When is National All Is Ours Day?

Saturday April 8th

National All Is Ours Day, which occurs each year, takes us on three points of appreciation. Celebrate each of the day's approaches or choose the one that suits you.


The first day of the year can be considered as a moment to reflect on all of nature's splendor and all the wonderful things in life. We rarely have the opportunity to discover all that nature has to offer us. We're surprised by something as simple as the number of birds that live in a local park or backyard can surprise us. We can see our National Parks or trail system from venturing further. Whether we look up to the skies or closer to the new spring blooms, walking in our surroundings is a spectacular gift to enjoy.

Appreciating everything we have is the second way to commemorate the day. Even though we don't have much, what we do have is a blessing. This strategy encourages counting those blessings and avoiding worrying about the things we don't have.

We have all that we have as a third way to view the day. Regardless of what we have, sharing it makes difficult times more bearable when we all work together. Those that are shared have the best times and the best things in life.

How to celebrate #nationalallisoursday