When is National Acne Positivity Day?

Friday September 1st

National Acne Positivity Day, September 1st, spreads a message of acceptance and self-love while still displaying our best face forward.

National Acne Positivity Day | September 1


We judge our appearance more harshly than we do others', as many of us know. Often times, we allow an outsider's point of view to influence our confidence based on our appearance. We have days where we determine each blemish and mark. Acne is a common skin condition and is the number one reason to see a dermatologist.

The day encourages us to get rid of the stigma surrounding acne and instead embrace ourselves for who we are. Although our skin makes us feel vulnerable, we don't have to give it power over us. Acne can annoy, frustrate, and hinder us; on the other hand, acne is a challenge like no other, one that we can conquer.