When is Martyred Intellectuals Day?

Thursday December 14th

Every year, Bangladesh observes Martyr Intellectuals Day. This is a day of remembrance for the vast number of intellectuals who were killed by Pakistani forces in 1971.

Martyred Intellectuals Day - December 14

A major conflict erupted in East Pakistan in March of 1971, after a general election. The Awami League, a political group, had won the elections. During the establishment of a new government, arose. The Bengalis and West Pakistanis were particularly tense. As the Awami League launched a campaign of civil disobedience, violence erupted. Many non-Bengali civilians were assaulted by Supporters. This was the start of the Bangladesh Liberation War.

The Pakistani forces began to lose on December 14, 1971, the Pakistani forces were already suffering. They kidnapped and killed Bengali intellectuals and professionals as a result. They did so in an attempt to intellectually cripple Bangladesh's newly freed country. These intellectuals included educators, researchers, researchers, physicians, engineers, and journalists. These intellectuals included educators, lawyers, researchers, scientists, physicians, engineers, and journalists. They were forced out of their homes, blindfolded, and killed.

360 intellectuals were killed, according to the Provisional Government of Bangladesh. This number has been challenged. According to some, over 1,000 intellectuals were killed. Even though the government has a comprehensive list of those who were killed, the government has yet to be released, a list of those who were killed has yet to be published.

#martyredintellectualsday is a social media event that takes place in the United States