When is Library Shelfie Day?

Sunday January 29th

On Library Shelfie Day, the fourth Wednesday in January provides a unique opportunity for book enthusiasts.

LIBRARY SHELFIE DAY – Fourth Wednesday in January

Some book collectors prefer to group their collections so that their spines can be enjoyed pleasantly. Others have a system of organisation that results in an alternative art form. However, our books are not designed on the shelf; they are supposed to be photographed and posted on social media, but not on social media.

Library Shelfies give book shops, libraries, schools, and individuals the opportunity to display their reading preferences through a single photograph. Readers often share a little of their library in innovative ways whether they frame their favorite authors, titles, genres, or cover art. Bibliophiles love books of all sorts, with or without dust jackets, signed and unsigned, dogeared, and in mint condition.

How to celebrate #libraryshelfieday

Whether you have a small library with a few select favorites or are a true bibliophile, arrange your collection on a shelf and take a snapshot. Express your inner artist. Build a tower of babbling books or a wall of words. Invite others to join you in your visually pleasing book-building adventure. These include: Some ideas include:: Some suggestions include: