When is International Plain Language Day?

Friday October 13th

The use of clear and simple information is encouraged on International Plain Language Day, October 13, worldwide Plain Language Day. It's also a day to remind people that plain language is important.

International Plain Language Day - October 13

Have you ever read a research, blog post, or another form of written communication? Did you have trouble understanding what you were reading? If so, it could be because it was not written in clear and simple words. Plain language should be used by all businesses, organizations, and governments should embrace the idea of using plain language. Why? Why? Just consider the average reading level of the general population. The average person reads at a 7th to 8th grade level in the United States. Only 22% of the population reads at a high literacy rate on a global basis.

The following countries with the highest literacy scores include Japan, Finland, Netherlands, Australia, and Sweden. The United States ranks 17th in the United States' rankings, ranking 17th. According to this ranking, the United States is below average for literacy in this category. To effectively communicate with the majority of the world's population, plain language is required, as you can see.