When is International Chess Day?

Thursday July 20th

The founding of the Fédération Internationale Des Échecs (FIDES) in 1924 is commemorated on International Chess Day on July 20th. The FIDES became the governing body of chess, an ancient game played around the world.

International Chess Day - July 20

During the fifth century, Chess developed in India. As the strategic game spread across continents, the pieces and rules changed. It also changed between classes. Only the upper class could afford to linger over a long, difficult game. However, the merchant class would later bring the game to the majority of the population as they traveled around the world selling their wares.

Two players face each with 16 playing pieces each in the game of chess. These include eight pawns, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, two knights, two bishops, one king, and one king in each color. Their aim is to capture the enemy's king by a series of tactical moves.

The day honors chess' long history and honors the role chess plays in uniting people from cultures. The game has shattered many barriers – gender, language, and cultural – simply by two people sitting down to play one of the world's most physically demanding games.

Chess facts