When is International Cheetah Day?

Monday December 4th

Every year, International Cheetah Day, encourages people around the world to help this species win the fight against extinction.

International Cheetah Day - December 4

The cheetah is well-known as the world's fastest animal. This amazing creature can reach a top speed of 70 mph in just three seconds! They stride spans 21 feet at 21 feet at top speed. The cheetah is a large, slender cat with long legs. Its short fur is yellowish-tan and covered in thousands of black spots. The majority of cheetahs have between 2,000 and 3,000 spots, which helps to camouflage themselves. The animal's name derives from the Hindi word "chita," which means "spotted one." These big cats weigh anywhere from 46 to 158 pounds.

Cheetahs live on Sub-Sahara Africa's open grasslands. They are carnivores that mainly feed on small antelopes and wildebeest calves. They may eat smaller animals, such as rabbits and birds, in a pinch. Female cheetahs live by themselves. Male cheetahs, on the other hand, live with a select group of brothers called coalitions.

Cheetahs are Africa's most endangered big cat. According to scientists, only about 8,000 cheetahs are living in the wild as of 2020. This is a 5 percent decline in the last four decades, with a 5 percent drop in the last four decades. Cheetahs have been hunted for their fur in the past. Habitat loss is one of their biggest challenges today, according to increased human settlements and road construction. Some cheetahs are unable to reproduce, which threatens their survival even more.

How to celebrate #internationalcheetahday