When is International Cachaca Day?

Monday June 12th

Every year, International Cachaca Day, on June 12th, honors the Brazilian-made drink cachaça. It's also a day to learn more about this distilled spirit made exclusively in Brazil.

International Cachaca Day | June 12

Fresh sugarcane juice is used to make Cachaca's. The clear liquor is spicy, sweet, and fruity. It is Brazil's most popular drink, and distillers can only make it in this South American country, according to law. e used to make Brazil's national cocktail, caipirinha.

When Portuguese settlers introduced sugar cane to Brazil, Brazilian settlers first began making cachaça in the 1500s. Many African slaves drank cachaça while working on the sugarcane plantations, according to many African slaves. The drink helped ease their pain and gave them a boost of energy. The working class and the wealthy also acquired a taste for the drink.

Around 1630, the drink had become so popular that Portuguese kings began to feel threatened by the drink. The Portuguese emperors may have favored Brazilians to drink bagaceira, which was a Portuguese grape brandy. It became unlawful for the Portuguese Colony of Brazil to produce, export, and sell cachaça in 1635. This prohibition on cachaca caused its market to go underground, forcing it to go underground. In 1660, however, some determined cachaça producers took over Rio de Janeiro's city government in Rio de Janeiro. This event became known as the Cachaca Revolt. The Royal Order legalized cachaça on September 13, 1661, thanks in large part to this uprising.

The Empire of Brazil declared its independence from Brazil on September 7th, 1822, 1822. This greatly contributed to the rise of the cachaça market. Around the world, 85 million cases of cachaça are consumed each year. The United States, Paraguay, Germany, France, and Portugal are the top export markets for the drink.