When is Global Wind Day?

Thursday June 15th

Every year on June 15th, Global Wind Day celebrates the strength and possibilities that wind energy provides each year. It's also a day for people to learn more about wind and this essential form of energy.

Global Wind Day - June 15

Have you ever screamed over the wind? Have you ever screamed over the wind? Wind often ruins a perfectly beautiful day. Wind also causes smoke and rubble to fly around. It causes soil erosion, according to another wind complaint, it causes soil erosion. If the wind is too heavy, it knocks down trees and causes other forms of harm. But the wind can also be a good thing. Many businesses are adopting the wind as an inexpensive form of energy. Wind energy is generated by wind turbines in these companies.

Wind energy provides the following benefits: According to the department of energy, wind energy provides the following benefits: According to the department of energy, wind energy provides the following benefits: