When is April Fools' Day?

Saturday April 1st

Practical jokes and tricks are played on the unaware on April Fools' Day, which has long been a day when practical jokes and tricks are played on the unaware. It's a time when children tell their parents that a bone has broken. Parents are also involved in the planning. Inconvenient locations, caramel covered onions or fake doggy doo-doo are among the Classic April Fools' parodys. Businesses introduce innovative or extraordinary products for the enjoyment of the day, and newspapers publish enthralling headlines that keep readers off guard.


Of course, planning is the key to a successful April Fools' prank. To start, you'll also have to be the first to get it off. If someone else beats you to it, there's no point in pursuing your prank. Everyone else will be on alert when the jokes are started, and the element of surprise will be lost.

Practical jokers go to whatever extent to hide their ruse. The more people involved, the greater the chance of being discovered before the great plan can be implemented.

How to celebrate #aprilfoolsday