What is?
What is Go Caroling Day
Tune-up your voice on December 20th so you can join others on Go Caroling Day! Caroling is the act of performing Christmas songs from door to door as a form of celebration. The word carol refers to a joyful song or dance.
What is National Pig Day
The domesticated pig is recognized on National Pig Day, which is annually held on March 1st. This holiday includes activities and celebrations at zoos, colleges, nursing homes, and sporting festivals around the country. Pig parties, pig parades, and auctions of pig collectibles are among the other commemorated National Pig Day activities.
What is National Military Brats Day
During the Month of the Military Child, on April 30th, National Military Brats Day, the children of military service personnel are commemorated.
What is National Card Playing Day
On December 28th, National Card Playing Day encourages us to take a hand and play a game or two.
What is National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day, each year, honors a delectable and seasonal pie on June 9th. Rhubarb is often served with sweet fruits to make a delectable dessert.
What is National Cocoa Day
With National Cocoa Day, the 13th ushers in a holiday worthy of the winter holidays. What better way to warm up after a cold day outside?
What is World Chagas Disease Day
Every year on April 14th, World Chagas Disease Day raises concerns about Chagas disease. It's also a day that emphasizes the importance of prevention and finding ways to eliminate the disease.
What is National Panda Day
National Panda Day, March 16, draws attention to one of the world's rare bears. Pandas are also one of the world's most endangered and adored animals. Both conservationists and animal lovers alike are spreading the word about the international community's growing efforts to protect and restore habitat.
What is National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day
On December 30th, the National Bicarbonate of Soda Day, or Baking Soda Day, or Baking Soda Day, recognizes a staple of the home kitchen.
What is National Coast Guard Day
On August 4th, the service members of Coast Guard's National Coast Guard Day is celebrated and celebrated.
What is National Pediatric Hematology/oncology Nurses Day
National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day, September 8th, honors the hardworking and dedicated nurses who provide patient care every day.
What is National Shapewear Day
On August 10th, the history, current styles, and continued use and refinement of body shaping clothing will be commemorated. The day honors what has long been a long-serving, and at times, indispensable, article of clothing that has been gaining confidence and poise for centuries.
What is National Leon Day
National Leon Day is June 25th, six months away from Christmas Day, and six months away from Christmas Day. Leon is Noel's spelled backward, and it's the day some crafters begin planning their handmade gifts and decorations. In June, it will also be a day for those who miss the winter holidays to host a mini-winter festival.
What is National Brown-bag-it Day
On May 25th each year, the benefits of packing your lunch for work or school are recognized.
What is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
Each year, in the United States, National Buttermilk Biscuit Day is commemorated on May 14. The biscuit is the product of a food holiday today.
What is American Business Women's Day
The businesswomen of the United States are recognized on September 22nd, as part of American Business Women's Day. Taking a moment to reflect on the contributions and accomplishments of the millions of women in the workforce. Also, consider the impact of millions of female business owners in the United States.
What is National Houseplant Appreciation Day
Planting house plants is one of the easiest ways to improve a space. Many of us will skip some of our regular activities, including houseplant care, during the busy holidays. On January 10th, National Houseplant Appreciation Day serves as a reminder to give your houseplants a little extra attention to keep them flourishing.
What is International Me/cfs Awareness Day
International ME/CFS Awareness Day, which takes place every year, raises the alarm of a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. It's also a day to highlight other chronic immunological and neurological disorders (CIND).
What is National Quesadilla Day
On September 25th, National Quesadilla Day will encourage us to take a seat at the table and enjoy some authentic Mexican food. The quesadilla is satisfies snack cravings while still preparing a meal, although it isn't a sandwich or a taco.