What is?

What is World Contact Day
People from around the world join on World Contact to get in touch with extra-terrestrial (ET) life and alien civilizations every year on March 15th.

What is National Georgia Day
We recognize each state in the order they entered the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small part of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

What is National Best Friends Day
On Best Friends Day, honor your nearest and dearest friend on June 8th. The friendship between best friends is often close, and it can withstand distance, storms, and silence. If we've been around our lives or they're new, best friends make difficult times bearable, fun times memorable, and memorable times priceless.

What is World Samosa Day
Every year on September 5th, World Samosa Day honors this mood-lifting dish. It's also a day to try samosa for the first time or share it with a friend.

What is National Veep Day
The succession plan of the President of the United States' President on August 9th is recognized on National Veep Day. Gerald Ford, the day's vice president, was also acknowledged by the day for one president who was neither elected vice president nor president.

What is National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day
The sweet and salty goodness of National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day is officially recognized on October 7th. If they're dipped in dark, milk, or white chocolate, be sure to celebrate every delectable pretzel bite.

What is World Bartender Day
Every year on February 24th, World Bartender Day honors the bartender, one of the world's oldest occupations. Bartenders can also display their unique skills and creations on display.

What is National Tortilla Chip Day
On February 24th, a crunchy chip that offers a multitude of ways to enjoy it. The day also includes information about the chip's past and many ways to enjoy this delectable snack dish.

What is National Crawfish Day
On April 17th, South's most popular foods, National Crawfish Day, commemorates one of the South's most popular foods. Each year, the mudbug brings out not only a desire for newspaper-covered picnic tables but also a language all its own.

What is National Philanthropy Day
Many who give back to their families on November 15th, National Philanthropy Day honors those who give back to their families.

What is National Celiac Disease Awareness Day
Every year, National Celiac Disease Awareness Day (September 13th) encourages us to help those with the auto-immune disease that affects 3 million people.

What is National Umbrella Day
On February 10th, the National Umbrella Day casts a little shadow. The umbrella is one of the world's most useful products, and the day honors one of the world's most useful inventions, the umbrella.

What is Bodhi Day
Buddhists observe the day that Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment by meditation on December 8th each year. Bodhi means awakening or enlightenment.

What is National Savings Day
The act of saving and providing simple steps to get started isn't as difficult as it seems.

What is Share Your Care Day

What is Nelson Mandela International Day
Nelson Mandela International Day, every year on July 18th, honors this anti-apartheid explorer, political king, and activist. People are also encouraged to do their part to make the world a better place by the day.

What is National Black Forest Cake Day
On National Black Forest Cake Day, the decadent and delectable dessert on National Black Forest Cake Day is commemorated. Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, the German word for the German dessert Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, means Black Forest cherry torte.

What is National Blueberry Pie Day
On April 28th, each year ushers in blueberry pie-making season. The blueberry harvest begins in April and lasts until September, giving us a long season full of blueberry delight.

What is National Look Alike Day
Many people who appear to be another person are honored on National Look Alike Day, April 20th. On April 20th, the 20th National Look Alike Day is held each year to honor those who may well be like another person. People who seem to be identical to the two sentences preceding this one are also unique in their own way.