What is?

Thu Apr 13th

What is National Make Lunch Count Day

We have a chance to stop a trend that has been sweeping the country by joining National Make Lunch Count Day on April 13th.

World Porridge Day - October 10
Tue Oct 10th

What is World Porridge Day

If you like hot cereal, you're going to love World Porridge Day. World Porridge Day, which is celebrated every October 10th, is the celebration of this delectable breakfast dish. It's also a day to raise concerns of child hunger.

Fri Mar 3rd

What is National I Want You To Be Happy Day

## national i want you to be happy day.

Fri Apr 14th

What is National Pan American Day

## The national pan American day is the national pan American day.

National Supermarket Employee Day - February 22nd
Wed Feb 22nd

What is National Supermarket Employee Day

Supermarket employees are a vital piece of our supply chain and community. That's why Supermarket Employee Day, February 22nd, is a day for the food industry to honor employees at every level.

National Do Something Nice Day | October 5
Thu Oct 5th

What is National Do Something Nice Day

Every year on October 5, people around the country observe National Do Something Nice Day.

Chocolate Macaroon Day | June 3
Sat Jun 3rd

What is National Chocolate Macaroon Day

Each year, National Chocolate Macaroon Day is celebrated as a delectable treat. On May 31st, we celebrated National Macaroon Day for the last month. Now we add a little chocolate to the mix, sweetening the dish.

National Biographer’s Day | May 16
Tue May 16th

What is National Biographer’s Day

Each 16th of May National Biographer's Day commemorates Samuel Johnson's first meeting with his biographer James Boswell in London, England, on May 16, 1763. Dr. Johnson, a well-known playwright, poet, moralist, essayist, literary critic, editor, and lexicographer.

National White Cane Safety Day | October 15
Sun Oct 15th

What is White Cane Safety Day

On October 15th, the achievement of people who are blind or visually impaired is commemorated. The day marks the importance of recognizing the white cane. The white cane is not limited to a tool. It also represents the dignity of those who are blind around the world.

National Marzipan Day - January 12
Thu Jan 12th

What is National Marzipan Day

Join millions of people around the country on January 12th as they celebrate National Marzipan Day. The eye and throat celebrations begin on January 12th with beautifully made confections that delight the eyes and throat.

International Polar Bear Day - February 27
Mon Feb 27th

What is International Polar Bear Day

Every year on February 27th, International Polar Bear Day raises concerns about the challenges that polar bears face every year. It's also a day to find ways to minimize the effects of global climate change.

Wed May 10th

What is National Lipid Day

Each year, Dyslipidemia is celebrated on May 10th, which raises the risk of Dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is a rare occurrence of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood.

National Earl Day | June 9
Fri Jun 9th

What is National Earl Day

Each year, National Earl Day is dedicated to those with a particular qualification and a genuine passion for success. The day honors those legends named Earl. Although the name is becoming more popular these days, I hope those who have the privilege of being so named have earned it.

Uncle Sam Day | September 13
Wed Sep 13th

What is Uncle Sam Day

The United States honors Uncle Sam Day on September 13th. The day honors the man behind the iconic image and enthralling nickname for the United States government, who was born on September 13, 1766.

World Thrombosis Day - October 13
Fri Oct 13th

What is World Thrombosis Day

World Thrombosis Day, October 13th, draws attention on the undiagnosed medical condition of thrombosis. Many people affected by thrombosis are also able to share their stories.

National Fried Scallops Day | October 2
Mon Oct 2nd

What is National Fried Scallops Day

National Fried Scallops Day is a seafood dish that is popular around the country right at the start of National Seafood Month. Each year, scallop enthusiasts gather in October 2nd to celebrate their favorite dishes.

National Online Learning Day | September 15
Fri Sep 15th

What is National Online Learning Day

National Online Learning Day, September 15th, acknowledges the benefits and immense potential of online learning. It also recognizes the achievements of online students around the world.

National Oreo Cookie Day - March 6
Mon Mar 6th

What is National Oreo Cookie Day

As it is National Oreo Cookie Day, be sure to observe by holding your glass of milk on hand. On March 6th, this day is celebrated around the world each year.

MUDD DAY – December 20
Wed Dec 20th

What is Mudd Day

Dr. Samuel Muddd's birthday is annually observed on December 20th, a man whose name was mud after his dealings with one man.