What is?

What is National Lame Duck Day
National Lame Duck Day, February 6th, commemorates the ratification of the 20th Amendment to the United States Constitution or the Lame Duck Amendment.

What is National Herbs And Spices Day
On June 10th, National Herbs and Spices Day celebrates the variety and quality of your cooking by using both fresh and dried herbs and spices.

What is National Power Rangers Day
It's Morphin' Time! On August 28th, It's Morphin' Time! The original teenagers with attitude are officially recognized on National Power Rangers Day, which also honors all things Power Rangers!

What is National Speak In Complete Sentences Day
On May 31st, the National Speak in Complete Sentences Day is observed annually. When speaking, this day is dedicated to using proper sentence structure.

What is National Chocolate Candy Day
National Chocolate Candy Day gives us the opportunity to polish off the last of the specialty candies we received as gifts. The day, which falls on December 28th, brings us to the truffles and chocolate oranges that were tucked into stockings. Check those boxes of candy that may or may not have instructions on how to choose cream-filled or ganache.

What is National Paranormal Day
People who participate in paranormal activities are encouraged to gather and share their observations with each other each year on May 3rd National Paranormal Day.

What is Global Recycling Day
Every year on March 18th, Global Recycling Day invites people to look at their garbage in a new way. The initiative serves as a reminder that a significant amount of our garbage is recyclable, recyclable, or not even garbage at all.

What is International Internet Day
On October 29th, what many consider the most important invention in human history, the World Internet Day.

What is National Zucchini Bread Day
Every year, National Zucchini Bread Day encourages bakers to bake this delectable bread on April 25th.

What is National Life Insurance Day
National Life Insurance Day is celebrated on May 2nd. This day marks the introduction of first day life insurance in the United States.

What is National Black Cat Day
On National Black Cat Day, don't be superstitious. The beauty of these slim creatures is commemorated on October 27th. The day also aims to raise concerns about black cats' low adoption rates.

What is National Ice Cream Pie Day
On August 18th, National Ice Cream Pie Day is annually observed. This is August's second ice cream holiday, honoring a light frozen dessert available in a variety of delectable flavors.

What is World Pasta Day
World Pasta Day is October 25th. The day honors one of the world's most popular and versatile foods.

What is National Ex-spouse Day
Very few marriages end amicably. Many who have ended a marriage are encouraged to forgive their former spouse and move beyond any anger or sadness that may remain. National Ex-Spouse Day is held each year on April 14th. And those that aren't aren't free from anxiety or regrets aren't immune from angst or regrets.

What is National Ambrosia Day
National Ambrosia Day brings a refreshing salad to the celebration table right in the middle of the holiday season. Bring ambrosia to your holiday dinner or party on December 12th, rather than going home with an empty bowl.

What is National Rat Catcher’s Day
On July 22nd, the Pied Piper of Hamelin's tale is commemorated on National Rat Catcher's Day. The day also gives the opportunity to thank all present-day exterminators.

What is National Wear Your Pearls Day
On December 15th, National Wear Your Pearls Day reminds us that even if life throws dirt our way, we all have value in the end. One irritable grain of sand can cause an iridescent pearl to appear, resulting in the stunning result of nature's art.

What is National Teal Talk Day
Let's talk. Every year, over 249,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer worldwide, and Teal Talk Day is September 23rd. So, gather your friends, wear teal for a day out together and talk for a day.

What is National Backyard Day
Our backyards have become our home away from home, our playgrounds, and an extension of our houses. We've commemorated National Backyard Day and all the ways we've improved the spaces and places we've named our oasis on March 19th. We love our backyards.

What is National Turkey Neck Soup Day
Cooks are challenged to make a delectable soup with the stock made from a turkey's neck. National Turkey Neck Soup Day is March 30th.