What is?

What is Bathtub Party Day
The Bathtub Party Day encourages us all to avoid the traditional shower and linger in the tub instead. Add some suds to the tub and pamper yourself on December 5th.

What is National Croissant Day
National Croissant Day in the United States honors a flaky pastry that is enjoyed at every meal. Croissants are buttery, crescent-shaped rolls that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

What is World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day
Every year, World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD) raises global concern about medically induced dependence on benzodiazepines. It's also a day to learn that the drug has gastrointestinal effects and that withdrawal syndrome can persist for years.

What is National Kazoo Day
The United States' National Kazoo Day, January 28th, honors nearly 200 years of kazoo music. The day also encourages playing and learning about the kazoo.

What is National Cheese Day
Moooove over whiners! National Cheese Day is June 4th in the United States. An encyclopedia of cheese would cover the alphabet and broaden your vocabulary. It will unquestionably have more varieties of cheese than those that are found at the local grocer, as well as other varieties of cheese.

What is National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day
National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day is held each year on April 4th, a blue ribbon dish that incorporates chicken, ham, and cheese.

What is National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
On National Blueberry Cheesecake Day, two of the calendar's favorite foods come together on May 26th. In this pages of delectable celebration, we've sprinkled blueberries and cheesecakes throughout these pages. They unite in perfect, delectable harmony one day a year.

What is National Cream Cheese Brownie Day - February 10
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day, February 10, shines a spotlight on an irresistible dessert bar. In the bakery, combining chocolate and cream cheese has long been a hit. The results are amazing when it's added to a brownie recipe.

What is National Telephone Day
National Telephone Day is observed on April 25th. There are 9.82 billion cell phones around the world. And although some expected the landline to be obsolete by 2020, there are still 931 million landlines around the world.

What is National Idaho Day
We recognize each state in the order they entered the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small part of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

What is National White Shirt Day/ White T-shirt Day
National White Shirt Day, also known as National White T-Shirt Day, commemorates the day a historic autowork strike ended on February 11, 1937.

What is World Hijab Day
Every year on February 1st, World Hijab Day honors the millions of Muslim women who choose to wear a hijab. It's also a day to encourage women of all ethnicities and faiths to wear and experience the hijab.

What is National Beverage Day
## National beverage day is celebrated on national beverage day.

What is International Flight Attendant Day

What is World Quark Day
World Quark Day officially honors quark and its numerous benefits on January 19th. Quark is a European superfood staking its place on supermarket shelves around the world. Quark is a delectable, low-fat alternative to soft cheese and yogurt that can be used for baking, baking, and mixing.

What is National Macadamia Nut Day
On September 4th, National Macadamia Nut Day is recognized for a nutty nut that can be found in many baked goods and desserts.

What is National Saxophone Day
On November 6th, the birth of Adolphe Sax, the woodwind's inventor, is commemorated on National Saxophone Day. The saxophone is one of jazz music's most popular instruments.

What is National Grief Awareness Day
National Grief Awareness Day, on August 30, acknowledges that recovery takes time, not a prescribed course, and is a reminder that closure comes in many forms. Everyone is affected differently when a loved one dies.

What is World Hello Day
On November 21st, World Hello Day celebrates the vital role that communication plays in preserving peace. The day also encourages world leaders to engage rather than force to resolve conflicts.