What is National Tell A Joke Day?

What happened to the comedian on August 16th during National Tell A Joke Day? Everyone stole his punchlines! All joking aside, get out there and laugh a little and tell some amusing ones.


From morning to night, this day will be full of smiles and laughter. Jokes are a collection of amusing tales, whether written or verbal, that often end with a punch line. Although slapstick includes props and even minor stunts on the part of the storyteller, the best jokes are usually short. They involve a little misdirection and a well-delivered punchline. The more jokes you tell, the more fun you'll have and so will those around you.

Try out your favorite since jokes come in many forms. For those, it could be a one-liner or a knock-knock joke. Although many people gag at the sight of a pun, they do chuckle as well. rely on your sense of humour if you aren't familiar with the whole comedic act. However, you can use this strategy like seasoning. You could be facing a large crowd. Some people rely on gestures to express humor.

Timing and delivery can be a crucial component when telling a joke. The joke would fall flat without it. In addition, be sure to know the audience. For example, clown jokes at a phobia convention would not go over well at a phobia convention.