What is National Megalodon Day?

National Megalodon Day on the 15th of June introduces us about the most massive shark that has ever lived!


During the Cenozoic Era, Megalodon swam the Earth's oceans for 20 million years. Their mouths spanned 8 to 11 feet wide and were brimming with rows of sharp teeth. Their prey had no chance of being bitten by more than 40,000 pounds per square inch, a maximum weight of over 60 tons, and serrated teeth measuring nearly 7 inches.

Megalodon ruled that their watery habitats were contaminated by large marine vertebrates, eating a variety of aquatic vertebrates. Some of the best and well-preserved fossilized Megalodon teeth in the country are found in phosphate deposits mined near Aurora, North Carolina (also known as Lee Creek). Several other Miocene and Pliocene aged fossils, including the whales Megalodon hunted, are also discovered alongside the Megalodon's majestic teeth.