What is National Let’s Laugh Day?

On March 19th, National Let's Laugh Day, each year, reminds us to bring a little humor to our day. It's never good to be serious all the time, and allowing the laughter to flow from time to time is beneficial to everyone.

"Laughter is the best medicine," We've all heard the expression, "Laughter is the best medicine." This is the day to get your medicine.

According to some studies, laughter can improve your immune system, relieve stress, and help you relax. Who does not need any of those things in our crowded and tumultuous world?

As we all know, laughter can also be contagious. And faking it seems to have some health benefits. The abdominal muscles, lungs, arms, and facial muscles are all involved in "laughter yoga" classes, which include humor, to get us laughing to resolve what ails us.

You burn between 10-40 calories per ten minutes if you and a friend have those long bouts of uncontrolled laughter that result in tears and aching stomach muscles that last for ten minutes or longer. You'll keep burning more laugh-healthy calories while still enjoying a healthy memory, as well as a good memory.