What is Computer Security Day?

On November 30th, Computer Security Day reminds us to shield our computers. Every day, computers become more efficient and more advanced. They're also protected by protecting the people who use them. Protecting the assets, tools, and information on them is important.

Since the first home computer was invented, how we use them has changed. To stay connected, we use computers today. We bank and work from home. Although computers are on every campus in every school, many students receive an education right from home. We do our taxes, attend meetings, and study complicated topics that are all on computers.

It makes sense to do everything possible to protect these critical machines. Correct? Some of them have a lifetime of records. Precious and irreplaceable photographs, journals, books, and passwords can be found in Precious and irreplaceable magazines, journals, books, and passwords. Any part of that data must be secured, and it is vital to shield even a portion of it. Our very identity is on computers.

Our computers are constantly attacked by identity theft, theft, ransomware, and viruses. They are looking for the most vulnerable customers. They take us offline in a flash, securing a lifetime of achievement. By giving your computers a security check-up, you can protect your family and company.

How to celebrate #computersecurityday