Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day | October 23
Mon Oct 23rd

Swallows Depart From San Juan Capistrano Day

The Swallows Departure from San Juan Capistrano Day on October 23rd marks the migration of thousands of swallows.


San Juan Capistrano's famous cliff swallows are seen every year in a tumultuous mass near the Day of San Juan (October 23). They're heading south for their winter vacation spot in Goya, Corrientes, Argentina, 6,000 miles south. They return on or about March 19th – St. Joseph Day – each year. For generations, their migration has been documented.

Cliff swallows are cousins of barn swallows and purple martins, and they are cousins of barn swallows and purple martins.

Swallows have long, narrow wings, forked tails, and stifled feet. They feed on the wing, catching insects in their wide mouths, and can make rapid changes in direction or speed as they feed; they are incredibly graceful in flight; they can easily make abrupt shifts in direction or speed as they feed.

The cliff swallow has a rusty rump, and when seen from below, it appears to have a squared-off tail and a dark patch on the throat.

How to celebrate swallows departing from san juan capistrano day's capistrano day

Learn more about cliff swallows and their families. Sketch or photograph them. Watch clips of them in flight. Learn about their climate and track their migration route. Listen to a recording of their song. To post on social media, use the hashtag #SwallowsDepartFromSanJuanCapistranoDay.

The swallows have departed from san juan capistrano day history, according to a san juan capistrano day's history

The source of this migration day is still investigating the origins of this migration event.