Sat Jan 14th

Ratification Day

On January 14th, the act that officially ended the American Revolution is commemorated on Ratification Day. The Confederation Congress in Annapolis, Maryland, commemorates the ratification of the Treaty of Paris on January 14, 1784.

After the signing of the Declaration of Independence, nearly eight years ago, the British and the Americans agreed to a cease-fire, nearly eight years ago. Great Britain recognised the United Kingdom as a sovereign entity under the Treaty of Paris. It is the most enduring premise of the treaty. The treaty also defined boundaries, specifically the Northwest Territory, which included Ohio and Indiana and Illinois' rich prairie land. The treaty also included Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota w. Several of the country's founding fathers, including John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin, negotiated the peace treaty.

  • "the cessation of arms" against Great Britain, according to the Confederation Congress, who declared "the cessation of arms" against Great Britain on April 11, 1783
  • On April 15, 1783, the preliminary articles of peace were approved by Congress
  • The Treaty of Paris was ratified by the Confederation Congress on January 14, 1784

How to celebrate #ratificationday

Learn more about the Treaty of Paris.

  • Visit the Maryland State House on a visit to the Maryland State House
  • Learn more about the Treaty of Paris
  • Visit the Library Congress. Visit the Library Congress. Visit the Library Congress

To post on social media, use #RatificationDay.

History has ratification day in ratification day

The Treaty of Paris's signing is commemorated on Ratification Day. Each year, the State House in Annapolis, Maryland, hosts a ceremony commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The Old Senate Chamber has been updated and preserved just as it was at the time of the signing. Every January 14th, the State House also raises a flag displaying the signature at the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The flag's style features twelve stars forming a circle with one star in the center.

Ratification FAQ

Q. Who negotiated the Treaty of Paris in 1783? During talks, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams represented the United States. Richard Oswarld, the British Prime Minister, represented Great Britain. The treaty was signed by British statesman David Hartley, who signed Franklin, Jay, and Adams, as well as British statesman David Hartley.

Q. How long did negotiations between Britain and the US take? Q. How long did negotiations take between Britain and the US take? In April 1782, A. Peace negotiations began in April 1782. The Revolutionary War came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. However, the Continental Congress did not approve the treaty until January 14, 1784.