Orange Shirt Day | September 30
Sat Sep 30th

Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day, September 30, raises concerns about the Indian residential school system that is still affecting Native American communities in the United States and Canada. The day, known as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, honors the children who were forced into Indian boarding schools. In addition, the day honors those who have never returned home.


Indian residential schools, also known as American Indian boarding schools, were established in the early 19th century. The schools were established as an assimilation scheme to teach Indian children in Euro-American ways. Native American children were deprived of their heritage, including their language, customs, music, and traditions, according to residential schools.

Native American children were systematically removed from their homes and families' homes by the government, according to Christian missionaries. Children who protested would often be subjected to brutal treatment because these organizations followed corporal punishment. Unfortunately, new inquiries have found instances of sexual assault and mental abuse, all because they were Indian.

In 1879, Civil War veteran Lt. Col. Richard Henry Pratt founded Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania. In the United States, 29 states will have 367 schools. The Indian Child Welfare Act was passed by the United States in 1978. Native American parents have the right to refuse to enroll their children in schools off the reservations under the condition. However, some schools will continue to operate well into the 1970s, with the last school officially closing in the 1990s.

Some Native American children never returned home, while others were never heard from again. The bulk of their tales are untold. Children were discovered dead on school grounds in both Canada and the United States, according to recent digs. Until now, many of these graves have no or no record identifying the children and their tragic fates, which have never been announced until now. The process of returning the remains to their families illuminates an in-humane period of American history.

How to Observe Orange shirt Day?

To show your love for those in the Native American community, wear an orange shirt. Many who did not escape the trauma's long-term effects are those who did not escape the trauma's lasting effects. Communities around the United States and Canada are commemorating Orange Shirt Day by staging memorials, candlelight vigils, and walks. Speakers provide a historical perspective in order to raise concerns.

Other ways to participate include:: Here are some other ways to participate:

  • Listen to the stories shared by the survivors and their families
  • Attend an activity in your neighborhood
  • Organize an Orange Shirt festival at your place of work, school, or community
  • Watch a documentary or film As an example: For example: For example: For example: For example: For example: For example: For example:
  • Tim Wolochatiuk's book We Were Children, directed by Tim Wolochatiuk
  • Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School, directed by Chip Richie, Dan Agent Gayle Ross, and Carl Tipre
  • Stephen S. Campanelli's Indian Horse, directed by Stephen S. Campanelli, was based on Wichard Wagamese's book
  • Learn more about the Indian boarding schools We recommend: We recommend: We recommend:
  • By Ward Churchill, The Genocidal Effect of American Indian Residential Schools in American Indian Residential Schools. Save the Man: The Genocidal Implication of American Indian Residential Schools
  • Metha Parisien Bercier's books are available on Tomorrow My Sister Said, Tomorrow Never Came Bercier, Metha Parisien Bercier, 9781479784424: Amazon
  • Denise K. Lajimodiere's Stringing Rosaries are a stringing Rosaries by Denise K. Lajimodiere

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History of orange shirt day has a rich orange shirt day

In 2013, Canadian Phyllis Jack Webstad invented and inspired Orange Shirt Day. She is also the author of several books, including Phyllis' Orange Shirt.

The observance of the holiday in the United States has swept into the United States, where activities take place in communities around the country. In 2021, Canada declared September 30 as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honor the survivors and those who died at the residential schools.