October 9th is International Beer And Pizza, National Leif Erikson, National Moldy Cheese, National Pro-life Cupcake, Pans/pandas Awareness and more!

International Beer And Pizza Day

International Beer and Pizza Day, October 9th, honors one of the world's best combinations of food and drink on October 9th. It's also a day to celebrate the good things in life.

National Leif Erikson Day

Tour a Norwegian heritage museum on tour. Learn about Norse roots, their discovery, and more. Dive into the tale of this discovery in books as well. We suggest Who was Leif Erikson by Nico Medina or Before Columbus: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel's Leif Erikson Expedition We suggest Who was Leif Erikson by Nico Medina or Before Columbus: The Leif Erikson Expedition Share your Norse roots. However you celebrate, use #LeifEriksonDay to post on social media.

National Moldy Cheese Day

National Moldy Cheese Day is a unique holiday that is observed each year on October 9.

National Pro-life Cupcake Day

National Pro-Life Cupcake Day, October 9th, encourages open discussion and a swap of cupcakes on October 9th.

Pans/pandas Awareness Day

Nearly 1 in 200 children in the United States are diagnosed with Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndromes (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Related to Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS). PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day, October 9th, aims to increase research, education, and assistance to those affected by the disease.

World Post Day

Each year, World Post Day on October 9th honors those who work in the postal industry. Another aim of the day is to raise concerns about the vital role that the postal sector plays in the daily lives of companies and individuals around the world.