October 25th is Chucky, The Notorious Killer Doll, International Artist's, International Dwarfism Awareness, Mds World Awareness, National Greasy Foods and more!

Chucky, The Notorious Killer Doll Day

On October 25th, Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day, is observed annually.

International Artist's Day

On October 25th, the International Artist's Day honors artists and all the contributions they make. Pablo Picasso, one of the day's most popular artists, is also commemorated. The Spanish artist was born on October 25th, 1881.

International Dwarfism Awareness Day

On October 25, the International Dwarfism Awareness Day honors little people. The day also raises concerns for achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder that causes dwarfism.

Mds World Awareness Day

MDS World Awareness Day, October 25th, brings attention to myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). When the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow become abnormal, a rare group of blood cancers arises.

National Greasy Foods Day

Many that are keeping an eye on the scale are suspicious. On October 25th, Augment was on the diet for National Greasy Foods Day.

National Merri Music Day

National Merri Music Day is held in Jamaica on October 25 to celebrate an innovative sound system and a music scheme that began post World War II in Jamaica.

Sourest Day

Sourest Day comes on the heels of Sweetest Day. On October 25th, the year's hottest day of the year is celebrated annually.

World Opera Day

Every year on October 25th, World Opera Day sheds a light on opera's contribution to one's health. Opera artists are also honored on the day, and we are encouraged to learn more about this genre of music.

World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day is October 25th. The day honors one of the world's most popular and versatile foods.

World Spina Bifida And Hydrocepholas Day

World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day, October 25th, raises concern and concern for these disorders that affect the spine and brain. It's also a day to campaign and promote the interests of those living under these conditions.