November 30th is Computer Security, National Mason Jar, National Meth Awareness, National Mississippi, National Mousse and more!

Computer Security Day

On November 30th, Computer Security Day reminds us to shield our computers. Every day, computers become more efficient and more advanced. They're also protected by protecting the people who use them. Protecting the assets, tools, and information on them is important.

National Mason Jar Day

National Mason Jar Day, November 30th, honors an ingenious device that has been uniting families for generations.

National Meth Awareness Day

November 30th has been designated National Methamphetamine Awareness Day as part of a national campaign. The day is designed to inform the American public about the effects of methamphetamine abuse on families and communities. It is expected to raise awareness and reduce demand for the highly addictive drug as part of the campaign.

National Mississippi Day

We recognize each state in the order they entered the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small part of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

National Mousse Day

National Mousse Day, on November 30th, is a popular treat that can be savory or sweet.

National Personal Space Day

On November 30th, National Personal Space Day promotes kindness toward sensitivities and protects self-security by acknowledging that everyone has the right to choose when and how to be touched.

Stay Home Because You're Well Day

Stay Home Because You're Well Day gives us a reason to stay in for the day on November 30th. We all need a break, and it's great to take it when we are healthy and enjoying it. Were well, but chaos would ensue if everyone in the work world took the same day to stay home because we were well.