November 10th is International Accounting, National Civic Pride, National Forget-me-not, National Vanilla Cupcake, World Net Cancer and more!

International Accounting Day

International Accounting Day, on November 10th, promotes the important field of accounting while also acknowledging all the work accountants do to help businesses and organizations thrive.

National Civic Pride Day

On November 10, we celebrate National Civic Pride Day and encourage everyone to support the vibrant communities they live in.

National Forget-me-not Day

On November 10th, National Fore-Not Day reminds Americans of the sacrifices returning soldiers have made of body, blood, and limb. The day reminds Americans that National Fort-Me-Not Day originally raised funds for services for returning wounded veterans. At the time, the existing hospitals were insufficient to care for the number of returning disabled veterans.

National Vanilla Cupcake Day

Each year on National Vanilla Cupcake Day, Cupcake enthusiasts celebrate each year. On November 10th, these little cakes get their day. Indulge in one or two cases may have occurred.

World Net Cancer Day

re on the rise in neuroendocrine tumors on November 10th, according to NET. This day also serves as a voice for the NET community in the quest for diagnostics, diagnosis, and analysis.