Nelson Mandela International Day - July 18
Tue Jul 18th

Nelson Mandela International Day

Nelson Mandela International Day, every year on July 18th, honors this anti-apartheid explorer, political king, and activist. People are also encouraged to do their part to make the world a better place by the day.

Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black head of state, was Nelson Mandela. He served as President of the United States from 1994 to 1999. Mandela's leadership concentrated on destroying apartheid. He did so by combating institutionalized bigotry and increasing racial respect.

Mandela was a member of the African National Congress earlier in life (ANC). Mandela co-founded the ANC's youth league in 1943. He and the ANC have pledged to overthrowrown apartheid. The National Party's white-only government introduced the policy of segregation and discrimination based on race and ethnicity, which was unveiled as apartheid.

Mandela was arrested multiple times by the government throughout the 1950s and unsuccessfully tried him for treason. The court sentenced him to life in 1962 for plotting to overthrowrow the state. Mandela served 27 years in jail before being released in 1990 by President F.W. de Klerk.

Mandela remained involved in politics and humanitarian causes after his presidency. He concentrated on combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through his foundation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Mandela was regarded as a controversial figure by many people. Despite this fact, Mandela has been given over 250 awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Nelson Mandela is regarded as "Father of the Country" in his home country.

How to recognize #nelsonmandelainternationalday by observing #nelsonmandelainternationalday

Nelson Mandela's birthday is being celebrated at a variety of events around the world. Sri Lanka, South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, and the United States are among the countries that participate, including Sri Lanka, South Africa, Switzerland, Switzerland, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, and the Philippines. Concerts, readings from his books, audio clips from his lectures, museum exhibits, and special occasions are among the events.

To participate:

  • Read a book by Nelson Mandela, such as Long Walk to Freedom or Nelson Mandela's Prison Letters
  • Mandela, Endgame, Music for Mandela, or Mandela's Gun are all examples of a movie
  • Learn more about South Africa's past and the issue of apartheid
  • Donate to the Nelson Mandela Foundation

On social media, post your favorite Nelson Mandela quote and post it on #NelsonMandelaInternationalDay.

History of nelson mandela in the United States has a rich history

Nelson Mandela International Day was declared by the UN General Assembly in 2009 on July 18th. Nelson Mandela's birthday is on the date. He was born on July 18th, 1918, 1918. He died on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. The United Nations extended the reach of this day to include humane conditions of imprisonment in 2015. They did this by passing a bill that called for the establishment of UN Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, also known as the Nelson Mandela Rules.