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Thu Jul 27th

National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day

Today is National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day, a joking term for a good day. On July 27, this day is a day to get outside and take a nice walk. Of course, your pants will go where you go, so it makes sense that where you go, of course.

Many jokes and cartoon drawings about putting your pants on a leash and walking them as your would your pet, and we'd agree that doing so would be beneficial to your dog, but first, make sure that those are extra pants from your closet and that you're wearing some when walking!

Today is about getting out and getting some exercise. Make it a fun time with your friends. Take a nice walk along the lake or through the park and enjoy the outdoors while still getting the health benefits from your walk (maybe even bring your camera with you!)

On a walk day, the happy national take your pants for a walk

For a walk day in history, the national take your pants for a walk day

National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day, a "unofficial" national holiday, we were unable to locate the maker and the source of National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day.