National Sunglasses Day
Contributed by Bethany Cleg Contributed to National Sunglasses Day's Article Contributed by Bethany Cleg.
National Sunglasses Day, which is celebrated each year on June 27th, is on the rise each year. One of the reasons is that organizations such as The Vision Council are among the reasons. They warn people of UV exposure and that wearing sunglasses should be more than merely a fashion statement. We're here to help you pick out a pair of your own, as well as the top ten sunglasses styles that withstand time.
Prada model spr07f
Photo: Mary Evans/Everett Collection Mary Evans/Everett Collection.
These glasses are anything but old-fashioned, and they are best known for their appearance in the 1963 Academy Award-winning Italian film 8 12. Prada first introduced the model as Prada model SPR07F, but the style has undergone some updates since the 1960s. Despite this, these sunglasses may be one of the few styles that can not only be worn with a suit, but they do make a suit look so good.
Persol 714
Photo: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images/Getty Images/Photo: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images/Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images.
The Persol 714 sunglasses first appeared in the 1960s when legendary actor Steve McQueen wore them in the film The Thomas Crown Affair. These glasses were based on the Persol 649 model. However, the conversions required ten additional manufacturing steps to allow them to fold. A pair of Persol 714s from McQueen's personal collection were auctioned off at nearly $70,000 in 2006. Get a — perhaps less costly —pair for National Sunglasses Day.
Ray-ban 3138 shooter
Photo: Raoul Duke
Although Johnny Depp was not the first to wear these yellow-tinted aviator guners, he made them famous with the film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Between the lenses, the sunglasses have a small circle. According to some, the circle aids in hunting or shooting. Hunter S. Thompson, the author of the book's script, was a regular wearer of the style. Shooters also come in different color tints.
Ray-ban wayfarer
Photo: www.iloveretro.com www.iloveretro.com
Ray-Ban's Wayfarers revolutionary plastic frame made the model extremely popular right away after its introduction in 1956. The design was a distinct departure from the metal-framed sunglasses that were common at the time. The sunglasses became a hit in the 1950s and 1960s, but then fell into the late 2000s, when musicians like Katy Perry and Bruno Mars began wearing them in their music videos.
Round and oversized
Photo: rdujour.com
These sunglasses were popularized by former First Lady and fashion icon Jackie Kennedy during the years that her husband was president, although they were often referred to simply as Jackie O's today. When worn today, they are immediately identifiable by their large round shape and also make a fashion statement. It's difficult to wear these sunglasses and not display any of Jackie's grace, style, and elegance, which she was so famous for.
Gold-rimmed aviator
Oliver Cheshire, Photo: Oliver Cheshire Photo: Oliver Cheshire
The history of the archetypal Ray-Ban Aviators began in the 1930s, when US Army pilots reported that the sun's glare was giving them headaches and altitude sickness. Bausch & Lomb, an American company, made "Anti-Glare" sunglasses with plastic frames and green lenses, which were originally known as "Anti-Glare" sunglasses. They were redesigned with metal frames and rebranded as "Aviators" a year later, as we know them today.
The clubmaster
www.wordpress.com/fashionologieedina.com photo: fashionologieedina.wordpress.com
Clubmasters are a brand of browline sunglasses, named after the fact that the bold upper portion of the frames frame the lenses like the eyebrow frames' eyes. On the film Moonlighting, Bruce Willis wore a pair of browline Shuron Ronsirs in the 1980s. After Ray-Ban's Wayfarer and Aviator styles, the Clubmasters gained fame and quickly became the third best-selling sunglasses of the 1980s.
The gregory pecking of oliver peoples gregory pecks
Photo: Cateshill.com
Gregory Peck received an Oscar for his role as Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill A Mockingbird, but he also received a fair amount of acclaim for the glasses frames he wore in the film. These frames are back in reintroduction in 2011 when Oliver Peoples introduced a new model to commemorate the book's 50th anniversary. Don these on National Sunglasses Day and channel your inner Atticus Finch.
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www.everyaudrey.com Images: everythingaudrey.com
Audrey Hepburn is one of film's most well-known stars, and it was usually with a pair of Oliver Goldsmith Manhattans framing her eyes. These large, rounded-square sunglasses were first introduced in Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's, a role that was originally intended to be played by Marilyn Monroe. The glasses, which are immediately recognisable today, are still popular.
Rose-colored glasses
Photo: Allyn Scura
"To see the world through rose-colored glasses" is a term that refers to the world's view in a continuously optimistic, perhaps naive, and unrealistic manner. Although there are some interesting and potential theories, it is unclear what the word's source is. According to one theory, early mapmakers used rose petals to clean the glasses' lenses. Not only will the natural oils shield the glass, but they will also leave a rose-colored stain.
How to celebrate national sunglasses day?
Wear your favorite shades and protect those stunning eyes. Get out and enjoy summer, take a selfie, and use #NationalSunglassesDay to post style on social media.
For deals and freebies from around the country, visit the Celebration Deals page. Let us know if your company is offering a discount on #NationalSunglassesDay. It will be added to the list. We'll get it added to the list.
Bethany Cleg's article was contributed to by the Cleg.