National Spice Blend Day | September 4
Mon Sep 4th

National Spice Blend Day

If an alluring aroma of spices is tempting your senses on September 4th, that is because it is National Spice Blend Day. Our favorite dishes are brought alive on our palates, both home cooks and professional chefs alike. Every recipe, every food blog, and every cook emphasizes the importance of quality herbs and spices for everything you cook.


The unique blends of flavors found in handpicked spice blends around the world are celebrated on National Spice Blend Day. Does a little smoky paprika, cumin, and rosemary tantalize your senses? Did you know there are four main types of cinnamon, each with different flavor profiles? The warmth, sweetness, and color change will vary depending on where the cinnamon grows, as well as the region where the cinnamon grows. When you blend it with nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, and other spices, it adds an extra special touch to your baking and other recipes.

Herbs are also important to every kitchen, and the Earth has cultivated a bountiful variety, similar to spices. So many species of Basil grows worldwide, it would be impossible to list them all, but each one has unique characteristics worth investigating. You know you're cooking for a party when this herb is mixed with curry or Mediterranean blends.

We know we have your creative and gastric juices flowing for National Spice Blend Day with just a few examples.

How to celebrate national spice blend day?

Demonstrate how spice blends can be used to enhance your creativity in the kitchen. We know you bring unique flavors to your tables every day, and that's one of the top reasons to celebrate. The following are some other ways to commemorate National Spice Blend Day:

  • Dabble is a creative cooking experience by taking a cooking class
  • Learn more about the best spices to use with your favorite dishes
  • Become a culinary adventurer by trying new spice blends from around the world

The SpiceSuite is one of the best ways to experience all these spicy options. Use #NationalSpiceBlendDay to share your experience on social media.

History of a national spice blend day in the United States has spanned centuries

On September 4th, Angel Gregorio, owner and founder of The SpiceSuite, established National Spice Blend Day in 2021 to celebrate The SpiceSuite's 6th anniversary. The festival also honors all of the world's spices and how they contribute to a never-ending creative food experience.