Sat Dec 2nd

National Special Education Day

National Special Education Day, December 2nd, honors changes in federal law that resulted in the country's first federal special education law.

Mills vs. Board of Education, a U.S. District Court lawsuit in the District of Columbia, began in 1971, ruled it was unlawful to deny exceptional children, including those with mental and learning disabilities, publicly funded educational programs. This led to the 1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act. President Gerald Ford signed the legislation into law on November 29th, 1975. The federal law required states that accept federal funds to ensure equal access to children with disabilities. In 1986, legislators gave parents and educators the opportunity to assist parents and educators in establishing an education plan for children with disabilities. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (IDEA), which was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990, was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and expanded coverage for all children with developmental delay. The act has been updated over the years to raise services and expectations throughout the educational system.

Idea impact

This day honors the strides that have been made in special education, with education open to all American children. Many people with disabilities had no to no education before IDEA, and those with disabilities had little to no education before IDE A. Schools were not expected to make accommodations for children with disabilities. Although some states had special schools, the education and facilities were not always equal. In addition, many parents were unable to afford to send their children away from a special school to a special school.

Children with disabilities were entitled to the same free education as every other child, according to the law. Children under the IDEA for services are divided between the ages of 3 and 21, there are 13 different areas where children may qualify under the IDEA for services. IDEA was instrumental in raising graduation rates for students with disabilities.

Many developments beyond simply providing students equal education resulted in many changes beyond simply providing students equal education. The integration of students also helps to ban the stigma of disabilities. The introduction of technology for students with disabilities and in the classrooms was another IDEA project. These technologies have changed the education of all students.

How to be #specialeducationday

Learn about the past of the IDEA's legislation and how it has impacted the lives of those with disabilities. Describe how IDEA affected your life or the life of a family friend. On social media, use the hashtag #SpecialEducationDay to post.

History of the national special education day has spanned history

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was first commemorated in 2005, the 30th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's 30th anniversary. President Gerald Ford signed the bill on November 29, 1975.