National Moon Day | July 20
Thu Jul 20th

National Moon Day

On July 20th, the day man first walked on the moon in 1969 was commemorated on the moon's National Moon Day. The moon landing was described as the single greatest technological achievement of all time, NASA said of it.


The first humans to the moon were carried by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. American Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface six hours after landing on the moon. He spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft. Buzz Aldrin followed shortly, stepping onto the lunar surface shortly. The two men collected 47.5 pounds of lunar dust after joining Armstrong. Their specimens will return to Earth to be analyzed.

A third explorer waited in the command module. Michael Collins, the pilot, remained alone in orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned.

Millions of Americans watched the mission from Earth, with one man caught up in the excitement of the adventure. Televisions around the world have been tuned in to the live broadcasts. The astronauts attracted a worldwide audience. Armstrong stepped onto the moon's surface and described the event as "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind," as a result.

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Putting men on the moon, unquestionably, became a concrete achievement in the space race. It placed the US in a position to go forward and explore into the universe's deeper reaches. NASA and the Soviets stepped up their missions in the months and decades that followed.

The day doesn't just commemorate the historic mission. Future missions are also commemorated. Humans are being led further into space by private expeditions. Armstrong's "one small step for man" ignited imaginations and sparked creativity, as well as generations to come. Even future moon missions, including manned landings, are planned for manned landings.

How to observe national moon day?

National Moon Day is a day that brings a lot of opportunities to explore and reminisce. Did you catch the first moon landing in 1969? Did you catch the first moon landing? How about the ones that followed? Share your memories of the moon landing. Set up your telescope and fly the moon's surface. With a telephoto lens, you can even explore the surface. Start a discussion about space exploration as you rediscover the moon. How does it affect our world today? How can it affect our world today? Also look at the preparations for future moon landings. What are your thoughts on further moon exploration?

Discover the people behind the moon landing while you're celebrating. Others can relate to their lives and celebrate their accomplishments. You can also commemorate the day by reading books or watching documentaries about the Apollo 11 mission or those leading up to it.

  • In the Shadow of the Moon, a (2007) film directed by David Sington, directed by David Sington
  • The Journey of Apollo 8 (2018) directed by Paul J. Hildebrant is the first to the Moon
  • One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon by Charles Fishman
  • By Andrew Chaikin, A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts
  • Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's "Interruption Figures" Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's Margo Lee Shetterly's

Use #NationalMoonDay on social media to share your findings and stories.

History of national moon day has influenced national moon day celebrations

On July 20th, President Richard Nixon declared National Moon Landing Day in 1971 to commemorate man's first moon landing. However, no further action was found.

Richard Christmas is a film about Richard Christmas. He stepped up the gun by launching a "Chrismas Card" writing contest. In all 50 states, the Michigan native wrote to governors and members of Congress, urging them to celebrate National Moon Day. He had some success, too. By July of 1975, 12 states sponsored bills commemorating Moon Day.

James J. Mullaney, an astronomer and a modern-day promoter of National Moon Day, is James J. Mullaney, an astronomer who supports National Moon Day. He knows a few things about the moon, too. Mullaney, Pittsburgh's original Buhl Planetarium Curator of Exhibits and Astronomy, is on a trip. "If there's a Columbus Day on the calendar, there should certainly be a Moon Day," He says. His aim is a federally recognized holiday.

President Donald Trump declared July 20th as the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing's 50th Anniversary Observance. However, no National Moon Day has been established.

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