National Military Brats Day
During the Month of the Military Child, on April 30th, National Military Brats Day, the children of military service personnel are commemorated.
About 1 in every 25 Americans is a Military Brat. No one knows the exact number since the Department of Defense did not keep precise records of military personnel's children, no one knows the exact number. None the less, those children make up a cultural group whose members live in all 50 states, in the majority American Territories, and numerable foreign countries. Although they choose various careers and passions, they also have a common culture.
Military Brats are using Social Media to pick up and restore the disjointed pieces of their childhood. Military Brats were once a nomadic band who struggled to stay in touch, but Military Brats are using Social Media to pick up and reconnect the disjointed pieces of their childhood. Unlike many children who shared the same classroom K-12, Brats attend 4, 6, even 12 different schools. They seldom stay in the same place for more than a year or two. Many people whose childhood homes were on military bases aren't allowed to "go home again" unless adults enroll in the services.
Brats are finding lost friends on several websites, including the Military Brats Registry, Operation Foot Locker, American Overseas Schools Historical Society, and others. They are posting stories and experiences. Brats are also organising around causes that are important to them.
#nationalmilitarybratsday is the day of #nationalmilitarybratsday
On National Military Brats Day, we have the opportunity to honor children who have served in the military. Many of the day's children are now serving and veterans, as well as veterans. Include the youngest military members and their children when considering the sacrifices of military personnel. You will reunite with friends you made during your parents' funeral, according to the Brats. Share your experiences and stories.
On April 30th, you can also participate by writing the people in Congress and asking them to endorse National Military Brats Day. To learn more, visit Military Brats, Inc. to learn more.
On social media, use the hashtag #NationalMilitaryBratsDay to post.
The day has come, with national military brats day in history
In 2016, Military Brats, Inc. established National Military Brats Day to honor the sacrifices Military Brats everywhere make.