National Michigan Day
We recognize each state in the order they entered the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small part of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.
Michigan has more shoreline than any of the contiguous 48 states, despite being surrounded by four of the five Great Lakes. Of the 50 states, only Alaska has more.
In 1783, the area was first discovered by the French, and it became a US territory in 1783. Michigan will be a center of industrial production, with iron and copper as a flume.
Michigan is unique in style, with the upper and lower peninsulas of the 26th state granted statehood distinct from each other in style. Ferrries were used to ferry travelers back and forth from one peninsula to the other, from one peninsula to the other. The Mackinac Bridge in 1957 linked the two sides, making the ride more convenient and safer. It is the third longest suspension bridge in the world at 26,372 feet long.
Industry and music
Industry in Michigan dominated the early 20th century. During war and peacetime, the population grew with an influx of employees from logging, shipping, rail, and automobiles. Manufacturing, engineering, and manufacturing, skilled trades, engineering, and manufacturing, manufacturing, and manufacturing, the number of workers exploded.
Assembly workers were in high demand around the country after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. B-24 Bombers were manufactured at the Willow Run plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Michigan, as the automobile industry's epicenter, was ripe for the increased demand.
One of the Willow Run factory workers became a Rosie the Riveter spokesperson, sporting the iconic bandana and flexing her muscles to sell war bonds. Rose Will Monroe's efforts, as well as thousands of other women in Michigan and around the country, changed the course of a war and the image of women for decades.
Michigan and Detroit, known for their Motown sound and legendary music designers, have produced some of jazz and gospel music's most popular names. The birth of Motown was the launching of an era, from Smokey Robinson and Diana Ross to the Jackson 5 and Stevie Wonder.