National Medal Of Honor Day
All Medal of Honor recipients are recognized on National Medal of Honor Day on March 25th. The Medal of Honor is the highest military award for valor in the United States, and was first established in 1861.
Six members of "Andrews Raiders" received the first Medals of Honor (Army) on March 25, 1863, during an American Civil War raid in April of 1862.
The Medal of Honor is only given to US military service by the President of the United States in the name of Congress for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty.
The Medal of Honor includes three versions; one for the Army, one for the Navy, and one for the Air Force; Personnel of the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard receive the Navy version.
Since its inception, 3,468 Medals of Honor have been given to the country's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and coastguardsmen.
How to celebrate #medalofhonorday
- Any federal, state, local, and military organizations may host events to honor Medal of Honor recipients. These activities may be public or private
- Volunteering for your local veteran group is a rewarding experience for your local veteran group
- Donate to a veteran service group
- Adopt a Medal of Honor gravesite at the gravesite of the Medal of Honor gravesite
- Fly the United States flag at your house or company
- Visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- Visit local memorial sites Visit local memorial museums. Visit local memorial sites
- To post on social media, use the hashtag MedOfHonorDay
The national medal of honor day has been awarded for the first time in history of honor day
The National Medal of Honor Day was established in 1990 by the United States Congress on March 25th of each year.
Medal of honor FAQ
Q. Have any women been awarded the Medal of Honor?
A. Yes. Yes. President Andrew Johnson awarded Dr. Mary Edwards Walker with the Medal of Honor for her volunteer service with the Union Army, often going behind enemy lines to care for civilians.
Has any U.S. president been given the Medal of Honor? Q. Has any US president been given the Medal of Honor?
A. Yes, but only one. Theodore Roosevelt was lauded for his service during the Spanish American War. President Bill Clinton honoured Roosevelt posthumously in 2001.
Q. Is the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Medal of Honor the same thing?
A. Yes, but Medal of Honor is the correct term.