National Magic Day | October 31
Tue Oct 31st

National Magic Day

On October 31st, the thrill of seeing the performance art each year is recognized. It takes place during National Magic Week.


Magic is a performance art amusing audiences by the manufacture of illusions. Natural means are used to create seemingly impossible or supernatural feats. The person presenting such entertainment is either a magician or an illusionist.

Humans have certainly created magical exhibits throughout history. Harry Houdini, one of the most well-known magicians, was one of the most influential magicians. Houdini had invented a variety of stage magic tricks and made full use of the variety of conjuring methods, including fake equipment and collusion with people in the audience, and was best known for his *escapology. His show business acumen was as impressive as his showmanship. The Houdini Museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is located.

Magic Categories: Some Magic Categories: Some Magic Categories: Some magical categories: Some magical categories:

  • Stage illusions – a kind of large-scale performance on a stage – are a form of large-scale performance on a stage
  • Parlor magic – a performance before a medium-scale audience such as an auditorium – is a performance before a medium-scale audience such as an auditorium
  • Micromagic – performed close up using coins, cards, and other small items. It's also known as close-up or table magic. In an intimate setting, this sort of performance occurs
  • Escapology – The artist flees from a dangerous situation such as being submerged underwater while handcuffed or dangling from a burning rope
  • Pickpocket magic – The artist's distraction type of performance, makes watches, jewelry, wallets, and other items disappear through misdirection. The entire performance is broadcast live on the audience
  • Mentalism – This kind of performance stuns the audience with the artist's powers of intuition, recall, decoding, and other mental feats

Many magicians take their skills and mix them. They honed their skills in a variety of ways, whether they go out on the streets or entertain children. Others travel for fairs or demonstrate their abilities with company or trade shows. In addition, audiences love comedy and magic together.

How to celebrate national magic day

Attend a magic show, teach yourself a magic trick, or watch other magicians perform. Read a book about Harry Houdini or another magician. Visit a magical museum on tour. You can also: You can also: You can: You can also: You can: You can also:

  • Host a magic party
  • Play magical games
  • Show your favorite magic trick
  • Dress up as a magician

On social media, use the hashtag #NationalMagicDay to post.

History of national magic day has long been associated with national magic day

National Magic Day is sponsored by the Society of American Magicians. A Chicago member of the Society of American Magicians demanded official permission for a Houdini Day in 1938. The observance was sanctioned by Mrs. Houdini, and National Magic Day was declared in Harry Houdini's memory on October 31st.

Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 196) Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 196) Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 196) Harry Houdini (October 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) Harry Houdini (October 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 –October 31, –