National Love Is Kind Day
Just as Americans celebrate their independence on July 4th, July 27th is being commemorated—a day to celebrate freedom from the abuser. National Love is Kind Day is the day to: July 27th, the day to: National Love is Kind Day is the day to:
- All victims of domestic violence/domestic assault are entitled to their FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE from their perpetrator
- Recognize our right to be treated with KINDNESS. Because real love is kind, not terrorizing, not terrorizing
- Kindness is the path to happier and safer relationships, families, culture, and the world
- Many in silence, give voice to those who are still suffering and need hope and assistance
- Spreading emails shows how we can be kind to one another, especially to those closest to us
- Remember that love is not violent, violent, demeaning, or dehumanizing. It's not real love if someone uses love as an excuse for their hurtful conduct
With every generation, the cycle of violence continues to cripple families, especially women and children who are the most vulnerable. The cycle of abuse must come to an end now.
National Love is Kind Day encourages you to become aware of how you are treating others, how others are treating you, and how you can be inspired, encouraged, and empowered to live a happy and productive life. Families can learn and experience the freedom and love found in an abuse-free household with increased and better equipment. Both adults and children grow up with positive role models, and both adults and children lead more active, happy, and physically healthy lives.
"No to abuse, violence, and ridicule" is the day's challenge. "Yes, to kindness," says the narrator. And yes, to sharing my voice! Yes, I am worth it and my life is important. "Borders are enforced by kindness laws."
Make a difference to create a healthier world by breaking the cycle of abuse and making a difference in creating a kinder world.
The way to spot national love is kind of sad
There are several ways to commemorate this day and support the Love is Kind Campaign.
- Expectation is that you will be treated with kindness. "I deserve to be treated with kindness," repeat the mantra. Repeat it often if you've ever been threatened, bullied, sexually harassed, or assaulted
- Positive words and phrases for the day's exchange negative actions and words for positive ones. For example, try walking, yelling with deep breathing, and insults with kind gestures and words. "Let me know" is an example. Being kind to others starts with being honest to yourself. It also means setting healthy boundaries
- Domestic Violence survivors are celebrating their freedom from violence, according to them. This is YOUR freedom day, whether you or someone you know left an unhealthy relationship. Celebrate your liberation from violence/domestic violence. While you're celebrating, post your freedom tale on Social Media with the hashtag #TheLoveisKindMomentPost. You can also post your stories and celebrate on the Love Is Kind Facebook page, where you can also post your stories and celebrate
- On social media, post examples of how you are similar to those closest to you. ashtags: #LoveisKindDay #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKind #LoveisKindNotTerrorizing #LoveisKindNotTerrorizing #LoveisKindNotTerrorizeisKindNotTerrorizing #LoveisKindNotTerrorizing #LoveisKindNotTerrorisKindNotTerrorizeisKindNotTerrorizing #LoveisKindNotTerrorizeisKindNotTerrorizeisKindNotTerrorizing
- Victims of domestic violence victims who reach out to you to the nearest DV centers
The day's activities include: Here are some other ways to participate in the event.
- Love is Kind Pledge (Poem) is a free printable version of the Love is Kind Pledge (Poem)
- Join, post, and post the National Love is Kind Day EVENT on Facebook
- Get your Love is KIND T-shirt, hats, and other gifts HERE
- The Love is KIND Fund will help women and children survivors and survivors of domestic violence, abuse, narcissistic violence, bullying, and abusive relationships
The love is kind of network, and sharing details from the love is kind network
www.TheLoveisKindNetwork.com www.TheLoveisKindNetwork.com www.TheLoveisKindNetwork.com www.TheLoveisKindNetwork.com @RosieAiello_LoveisKind. Instagram: @RosieAiello_LoveisKind @RosieAiello_LoveisKind. ***Twitter: @LoveisKindTweet https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheLoveIsKindMoodMoment/TheLoveIsKindMoodMoment/ TheLoveIsKindMoodMoment/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheLoveIsKindMoodMooment/ www.facebook.com/groups/ www.facebook.com/groups/
National love is kind of history in the United States
On July 27, 2018, Rosie Aiello and Sunny, co-founders of The Love is Kind Network, established National Love is Kind Day. They spread the word of a younger, healthier world, and they help more wholesome families, free of violence and terrorism. The day also marks Rosie and Sunny's freedom from a violent marriage.
Sunny, the co-founder, died unexpectedly on June 18, 2022. Although she died of heart disease, past experiences, as well as her mental stability, played a role in her overall heath, including mental stability. Sunny was passionate about the women and children who were affected by domestic violence.
About the love is kind network, the love is kind network
The Love is Kind Network, The Love is Kind Movement Facebook group, and National Love is Kind Day co-founders Rosie Aiello and Sunny are the co-founders of The Love is Kind Network, The Love is Kind Movement Facebook group, and National Love is Kind Day. They spread the word that akinder and healthier world exists, as well as support for healthier, more wholesome families, free of violence and family terror.
Rosie and Sunny gained their freedom after an international escape from a domestic violent marriage after an international escape from a domestic violent marriage.
Rosie engineered their escape from the Middle East to shield her daughter Sunny and herself from domestic violence, leaving them physically, mentally, and financially abused for nearly 25 years. Rosie and Sunny arrived in California, where they were almost physically impaired and stunned by PTSD. Rosie became a speaker, best-selling author, and an international award-winning entrepreneur in a few short years.
Rosie and Sunny are on a quest to help 100 million women and their children escape from the shackles of violence and help them live happy and productive lives.
For more details, visit www.TheLoveisKindNetwork.com for more details.