National Learn About Butterflies Day
## Butterfly day is a national study about butterflies day.
As butterflies begin migrating around the country, butterflies begin migrating across the country on March 14th, National Learn About Butterflies Day encourages us to look for a tiniest of color. Each year, the festival brings with it an awareness of the species of butterflies and their importance to our survival. Spring and summer are just around the corner, so take a few minutes and learn a little about butterflies and appreciate their beauty.
The difference between nutritious fruits and vegetables on our tables is made by bees, bats, and other pollinators, butterflies. We're also planting native flowers and trees, but we're also providing for our future. Pollinators, such as the monarch butterfly and the honey bee, have been in decline. All of the reasons have yet to be determined. However, increasing the available habitat does help!
Butterflies need our help to survive because they rely on flowers and other natural sources for survival. We can help them by planting more flowers.
- There are more than 20,000 species of butterflies worldwide
- Their wingspans can range from 1/2 inch to 11 inches
- Butterflies in their adult stage can live from a week to nearly a year, depending on the species
- Many butterflies migrate over long distances. The Monarch butterfly's migration from Mexico to the northern United States and southern Canada, a distance of about 2500 to 3000 miles, is one of the most popular migrations
How to celebrate #learnaboutbutterfliesday on butterfliesday
- Read up on butterflies or find a good sunny spot to watch them all
- To provide them with a habitat, plant a wildflower garden. You won't regret it. All summer long, you'll have butterflies to enjoy. Visit the Million Garden Challenge to learn more about pollinator gardens
- Spend the day learning more about butterflies and creating an environment that is friendly to them
- Watch a documentary about butterflies directed by Louis Schwartzberg and narrated by Meryl St. Peter
- Plant a variety of native flowers and plants
- Provide a water source. When you water your plants, the butterflies will drink from the damp soil and leaves as well
- Don't clean up dead leaves and shrubbery in the spring. Wait until the temperature rises consistently above 50 degrees F. This will allow the species that overwinter in a chrysalis to emerge safely and without fear of frost
- To post on social media, use the hashtag #LearnAboutButterfliesDay
Butterflies FAQ
Q. What do butterflies eat?
A. They drink the sugary sweet nectar from flowering plants. However, plant leaves are eaten by their larvae (aka caterpillars). For example, the monarch butterfly larva, for example, eats milkweed exclusively.
Q. How long do butterflies live?
A. The lifespan of a butterfly varies by species. Some butterflies live only a day, while others live for several months.
Is butterflies and moths related? Q. Is it butterflies and moths related?
A. Yes. Yes. Butterflies and moths are included in the Lepidoptera order.