National Laundry Day
Benjamin Franklin may have skipped one thing in life: laundry. On April 15th, we will be able to assess our laundry habits and teach our children how to make healthy ones.
Humans have been washing in various ways for as long as it has existed. One of the earliest methods was to beat the dust and dirt out of our clothes and bedding with a stick or pounding the grime out against a rock in the river.
From a mixture of animal fat and ashes, early soap was created. A river washed washingboards and tubs. The grime and stains were removed by scrubbing the fabric over the washboard's ribs and soap's ribs. Humans were also washed their clothes in manually cranked tubs. These tubs eventually led to the first automatic washing machine. In 1910, Alva J. Fisher was granted the first U.S. patent for an electric washing machine.
Dry cleaning is another method we've used to dry our clothes. Dry cleaning has risen and decreased on the household budget these days, as many clothes are wash-and-wear.
The way we do laundry has also changed. Clothing were hanged on a line to dry before commercial washing machines and dryers were invented. Although many people line dry their washing, few people have clotheslines, although many people still line dry their laundry. In addition, the poorer a person was, the more often they washed their clothes and linens. Once a week was fairly normal, and washing day was traditionally on a Monday, as shown in several books and nursery rhymes. This is an example of a nursery rhyme from before the Victorian period, and weekly laundry washed on a Monday.
They wash on monday, monday
They that wash on Monday. They that wash on Monday.
Have all week to dry; have all week to dry;
They didn't wash on Tuesday, but they didn't wash on Tuesday.
Are not much awry;
They didn't wash on Wednesday, but they didn't wash on Wednesday.
Are not to blame; there are not so many things to blame; they are not so much to blame;
They didn't wash on Thursday, but they didn't wash on Thursday.
Wash for shame;
They didn't wash on Friday, they said on Friday.
Wash in need;
And they that wash on Saturday?
They are certainly filthy!
How to celebrate #nationallaundryday
- Do your laundry
- Teach others how to do laundry
- Volunteer to assist someone in need of assistance with washing their laundry
- Organize your linen closet to get the linen closet organized
- Explore new ways to keep your laundry fresher longer
- Tips and tricks are shared on social media
- Join the discussion by using #NationalLaundryDay on social media
History of national laundry day in the United States has spanned history
Although laundry has a long tradition of being soiled and fresh, we were unable to determine who the day's founder is. However, in the early 1990s, September 15th was celebrated as National Laundry Worker Day.
Laundry FAQ
What does "Don't air your dirty laundry in public" mean?
A. This laundry list refers to having arguments in public or discussing things in public that should be kept private.
Q. What does "laundry list" imply?
A. A laundry list is usually a long, detailed list of items. The lists can be related to forthcoming events, to-do lists, or demands as part of an agreement.
Q. Is there other laundry days on the calendar?
Yes! Yes! These fun days are over: Check out these fun days:
- Hanging Out Day
- National Sock Day
- Week of International Clothesline Week is the International Clothesline Week