National Insurance Awareness Day | June 28
Wed Jun 28th

National Insurance Awareness Day

National Insurance Awareness Day, which takes place each year, encourages us to review our insurance policies on June 28th.


Insurance provides peace, shielding loved ones, and assisting victims in the event of fire, illness, or death. It provides security, but as time goes, the value of our homes and the items in them may increase or change. What was once worth $100,000.00 a decade ago may now be worth much more today. Be sure your policies align with the values.

No matter where we live, if disaster strikes, it would be impossible to rebuild everything we own. From the first-time apartment to the 30-year mortgage, our possessions, house, loved ones, and even those who visit warrant the same protection that comes with homeowners or renters insurance.

In addition, the observance gives the opportunity to learn more about the types of policies that are available. Here are a few things to think about: Here are a few things you may want to consider:

  • Get a free quote – this is a great way for renters or anyone considering a new approach to comparison shopping
  • Evaluate your most recent possessions
  • How has your family changed? How has your family changed? How has your family changed? Has your family grown or have family members moved away? Has your family expanded or have family members moved away? How many dogs do you have? How many cats do you have?
  • Do you want to buy a new house?
  • Do you need flood insurance? Do you need flood insurance?
  • Are there major changes coming that will influence the amount of insurance you'll need? Is there significant changes coming that will influence the amount of insurance you'll need?

Although insurance doesn't cover everything, it does reduce the cost burden in the event of a disaster. Your automobile and life insurance policies are among the other items to investigate. Annual enrollments for health care take place at various times of the year. Making sure you know when your enrollment period begins and ends gives you the opportunity to make necessary changes. It also serves as a reminder to use up any Flexible Savings Account funds before losing them.

How to celebrate national insurance awareness day by observing national insurance awareness day

Review your coverage to be sure you are not under or overinsured. We also have a list of useful tips to help you make decisions. To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalInsuranceAwarenessDay.

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