National Inner Beauty Day | October 7
Sat Oct 7th

National Inner Beauty Day

On October 7th, National Inner Beauty Day focuses on raising the threat of human trafficking and helping victims. Everyone has a tale, a passion that reveals who we are as individuals. Our strength lies in embracing the tale rather than filtering it by someone else's definition of beauty. We have given the world the gift we were born to give when our core beliefs reflect on the outside.


The unveiling of its 2017-2018 #InnerBeauty Challenge coincided with the opening weekend of the film, Trafficked. The premiere of the film in Los Angeles was attended by the Inner Beauty Day crew.

How to celebrate inner beauty day on a personal level

Donate to Saving Innocence to help with the victims of human trafficking. Take the Inner Beauty Challenge.

"Anyone taking up the challenge with their families, relatives, or anyone else they know is encouraged to support a non-human trafficking group of their choice." People can be directed to service providers that support victims and survivors of the Polaris Project's National Human Trafficking Referral Directory. The National Human Trafficking Referral Directory is a useful resource for locating people to service providers that support victims and survivors. Polaris is a leading nonprofit, non-governmental group in this global war, and it runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888). Since its inception, Saving Innocence, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit group that has been known for its efforts to assist victims of trafficking, has been a promoter of the #InnerBeauty Campaign. Donations can be made directly to Saving Innocence.

DeAnna Pappas Stagliano's #InnerBeauty Challenge can be viewed by clicking here. When posting on social media, use #InnerBeautyDay.

We work with Saving Innocence, an organization that supports victims of human trafficking, we strive to bring beauty and wholeness to a world that does not yet fully understand its own self-worth. We encourage you to support this cause and speak out by expressing your #InnerBeauty.

Media contact

For interview inquiries and sponsorship opportunities, contact Roma Newton ([email protected]) for interview inquiries and sponsorship opportunities.