National Heimlich Maneuver Day | June 1
Thu Jun 1st

National Heimlich Maneuver Day

National Heimlich Maneuver Day, each year on June 1st, recognizes a life-saving measure. To remove air from the lungs, the Heimlich Maneuver uses abdominal thrusts. Someone is coughing while someone else is coughing. The forced air expels an object on which someone is coughing. In 1974, Dr. Henry J. Heimlich invented this life-saving procedure. Abdominal Thrusts is also referred to as The Heimlich Maneuver in the literature. The observance also marks National Safety Month, and the Heimlich Maneuver is just one of the many things you can do this month.


Over 5,000 people died from choking in 2015, according to the National Safety Council, in 2015. Since certified instructors teach the Heimlich Method, the American Red Cross and other groups include the instruction in their first aid and CPR courses.

Being able to handle the Heimlich Maneuver properly can save a life. In addition, courses will teach you how to celebrate potential choking, how to provide assistance, and proper administration of the procedure. Modified approaches for young children have also been introduced. Each individual who is trained has the potential for a life well-lived. Although first responders, law enforcement, nurses, physicians, elder and child care, and those in high-risk occupations are all required to have training, anyone can obtain it. You may make the difference in someone's life, whether you or someone you know.

How to survive a heimlich maneuver day on a heimlich maneuver day

Register for a first aid class that teaches the Heimlich Maneuver. Are you already qualified? Take a first aid class with someone you know. You can also invite others to join you or make it a family gathering.

The Red Cross offers babysitting courses as young as 11 years old and lifeguard courses as young as 15 years old. Imagine being able to respond immediately in the case of an accident or if someone you love starts coughing. They may not have to use it, but they don't have to use it. Isn't it a skill worth celebrating?

Have you used the Heimlich Maneuver before, or has it saved your life? Use #HeimlichManeuverDay to post on social media to share your stories.

The national heimlich maneuver day is the longest in national heimlich maneuver day history

The source of this life-saving event is still researching the origins of this life-saving event. We encourage you to check out these other safety observances in June. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out these other observances in June:

  • Men's Health Month
  • World Food Safety Day is the world Food Safety Day
  • CPR and AED Awareness Week is this week
  • Men's Health Week
  • Lightning Safety Week is this week