Mon Apr 17th

National Haiku Poetry Day

On April 17, National Haiku Poetry Day, an annual event that is celebrated annually, encourages people to try their hand at creativity. Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and usually consist of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Usually, haiku poems are inspired by an element of nature, a season, a moment of beauty, or an individual's experience. Sensory words are used to capture a feeling, image, or moment.

Haiku's Haiku: This Other World Haiku is a different world. *** Richard Wright (1908-1960)

On the bay, Whitecaps on the bay: Whitecaps on the bay: A broken signboard banging is the result of a broken signboard banging. In the April wind.

Many well-known poets wrote many haiku as one of the world's oldest and regularly used poetry. Although Matsuo Basho is the most well-known, several of us may recognize are William Blake, T.S. Eliot, or Maya Angelou. And as small as the poem may be, it can be extremely difficult to write. Try capturing an entire moment or emotion in 17 syllables and getting it right.

However, English haiku does not always follow the strict syllable count found in Japanese haiku. In the Japanese language, the typical length of haiku in English language journals is 10-14 syllables compared to the 5-7-5 syllables used in the Japanese language.

How to celebrate #nationalhaikupupoetryday

  • Make a haiku poem of your own!
  • Encourage others by sharing your inspiration
  • Take a walk and draw from the world around you
  • Invite friends to join you and share your haiku
  • Be sure to include one or two senses in your poems, such as touch or sound
  • Spend time reading haiku poetry as well
  • Use the hashtag #NationalHaikuPoetryDay to share Haiku poems on social media

History of national haiku poetry day has influenced the development of haiku poetry

Sari Granstaff established National Haiku Poetry Day in 2007, and the Haiku Foundation initiated the day as a project in 2012.

Haiku FAQ

Q. Does haiku have to rhyme?

A. No. A. No. A. No. Although haiku poems seldom rhyme, they do include elements of poetry such as rhythm, emotion, and occasionally rhyme.

Is a haiku really about nature? Q. Is it really about nature?

A. No, but usually there is some element of nature included in the poem. Haiku is usually inspired by nature. However, some poets choose from the haiku style for more formal types of poems.