National Got Checked Day | August 26
Sat Aug 26th

National Got Checked Day

got checked? says the simple question on August 26th, National Got Checked Day, creates a call to action, providing a friendly reminder and asking a simple question, got checked? Be inspired as you answer, YES! Be inspired as you answer, YES!


Routine breast cancer screenings can save lives. Routine breast cancer screenings do save lives. However, it is also crucial to start breast/chest health earlier in life.

Planting the seed of prevention young establishes breast/chest health building blocks that will last a lifetime. Although youth development begins with a gradual schedule, adults can maintain the routine throughout adulthood. What does a gradual diet look like?

  • Discuss family history
  • Create a balance between fitness and diet to achieve a healthy balance
  • Develop spiritual and mental stability
  • Find purpose and set life goals
  • Create positive friendships with others
  • Learn about your relationship with the environment and its effects on your mind, body, and soul
  • Healthy, flourishing, use music, dance, and the arts as a tool of thriving
  • Learn how to perform a self-breast or chest exam early. Know the warnings to watch for and do not ignore them
  • With your ob-gyn and general practitioner, regular discussions about genetics and screening options should be continued
  • Routinely schedule breast screenings

Got Checked? National Got Checked? Women and men of all ages are encouraged to make their lifestyle choices and follow all of the screening recommendations.

How to celebrate national got checked day?

The Got Checked? campaign has been tirelessly advocating for a new model of "gradual and age-appropriate" breast/chest health education. It will be a healthy life if paired with modern legislation. Got checked? grew out of the desire for a gradual routine that begins early in life. The routine includes reducing anxiety, promoting self-awareness, and making it a part of your daily life. For example, mammograms in the United States were once set at age 50. However, most states' constitutions make the age prescription 40 years old, but not all states' laws make the age prescription 40 years old. However, New York legislation takes it a step farther. Shannon's Law, which was part of Got Checked?, reduced the age limit to 35 years old, giving younger women a better chance of surviving.

As a woman or a man, recognize your power of positive influence. Today is the time to schedule your screening. However, you should also remember to: Remember to: However, also remember to: Remember to:

  • Keep up with your regular self-exams
  • Maintain your and your family's health history and genetic testing methods
  • Breast/chest health and lifestyle choices for prevention at home
  • Encourage action in all your tribes of family, acquaintances, and co-workers to get checked and get it done
  • Donate to First Company Pink

Also, be sure to post using #NationalGotCheckedDay and #GotChecked on all your social media pages to inspire change around the country.

History of the national got checked day has dominated national got checked day

Donna Cioffi, a cancer survivor and the President and Founder of First Company Pink, is honored on August 26th. In 2021, National Got Checked Day, a non-profit founded First Company Pink (501c3 non-profit) established National Got Checked Day. The organization's decade of involvement has honed on early prevention.

Pink is the first company pink

Everyone, everywhere, is encouraged to take action by Pink's Got Checked? campaign. Thousands of youth and adults in New York have been reached by the campaign's charity workshops, which have extended to thousands of youth and adults.

In 2018, the first bill by the Got Checked? campaign was passed. The statute was influenced by a Long Island teacher who died of breast cancer at the age of 31. In New York, Shannon's Law lowers the mammogram age prescription to 35.

Got checked? Two new bills that represent its main educational principles toward prevention and social justice were introduced recently. Got checked?

The Siena's Law expands age-appropriate, gradual breast/chest health education to New York schools. The bill, named after Shannon's daughter, Siena Hope, the bill establishes an education platform that culminates in high school. It gives youth the tools to perform self-breast and chest exams. It also emphasizes the importance of ACTION.

Lastly, the Eleonora Legacy Act passed unanimously in Assembly and is now on the Senate floor. Justice in: This critical bill embodies the core values of the Got Checked? campaign, and it is reflected in: This important bill embodies the campaign's key principles.

  • education
  • healthcare
  • human rights

The bill will also include breast health education and bi-annual screenings for all incarcerated women in New York correctional facilities.

As part of a year-long campaign, the Got Checked? campaign aims not to leave anyone behind and make sure ALL WOMEN/ MEN get the medical attention and education they need.