Sat Feb 18th

National Drink Wine Day

Although February 18th is recognized annually as National Drink Wine Day, it would be a shame to celebrate just one day a year. Perhaps this day is just a reminder to drink wine.

After all, Wine does have its health benefits. Moderate drinkers of wine have reduced risks of liver disease, type II diabetes, certain forms of cancers, heart attack, and stroke. It can also reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the good (HDL) levels.

Other health benefits are also included in drinking wine. It enhances the flavors of spices, fruits, and sauces when paired with the right dish. A glass of wine will help us relax. Our minds are sharper as a result of learning about wine. Many that delve into discover more are finding themselves traveling to learn more about the fruits, regions, and wine making.

How to celebrate #nationaldrinkwineday

  • Since February 18th is also National Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day, we recommend a crisp, fruity white wine pairing the celebrations together
  • Attend or host a wine tasting
  • Try a new wine
  • Give a friend a bottle of wine
  • Visit a vineyard
  • Raise a toast to your new wine and let us know which one it is
  • Always drink responsibly and try a new wine. To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalDrinkWineDay

The national drink wine day is the first in history, according to national drink wine day

The source of this commemoratatory day is still researching the origins of this prestigious holiday. However, we've sipped a few wines and wonder whether a winemaker or connoisseur made this day.

Drink wine FAQ

Q. Should I drink red or white wine for National Drink Wine Day?

A. Drink whatever wine you like. You can even drink both!

Q. Is there any other wine days on the calendar?

A. There are several wine days on the calendar. Check these out: Check these out: Check these out:

  • Wine Tourism Day
  • National Wine and Cheese Day is celebrated on National Wine and Cheese Day
  • International Merlot Day is an international Merlot Day
  • Drink Local Wine Week Drink Local Wine Week Drink Local Wine Week Drink Local Wine Week is a wine festival in the United States