National Chocolate-covered Anything Day
Chocolate lovers rejoice on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day. The chocolate day you've been waiting for is December 16th. In every form of chocolate imaginable, dip and drizzle your favorite foods on this day.
What would it be if you could cover something in chocolate? When we dip them in chocolate, so many foods get a boost. Many companies are based on the technique of turning food into chocolate. Celebrate whether you choose a chocolate fountain or order a bouquet of a stunning arrangement of chocolate-dipped fruit.
But fruit isn't the only thing meant for dip in chocolate, and it isn't the only fruit meant for dipping in chocolate. Oh no, other foods are calling out for chocolate, too. Have you tried chocolate-covered peanuts, cashews, or walnuts? When dipped in chocolate, Pretzels undergo a divine transformation, and they even have a national day of their own. With chocolate, both Pound cake and gummy candies are delectable. How can you pass up chocolate-covered coffee beans if you love coffee?
The list continues to expand. What is your favorite covered chocolate covered something?
Anyday, #chocolatecoveredanythingday.comesanythingday.com
Pick up some chocolate-covered goodies or try your hand at dipping your favorite snack in chocolate. Invite friends to join you and participate in the experiment. During the holiday season, chocolate-covered cookies make great gifts.
Try these tips: Try these tips: Try these tips:
- Bananas and peanut butter are among Bananas and peanut butter that have been served
- Cookies
- Potato chips
- Orange wedges
- Ritz crackers
- Biscotti
- Peanut brittle
- Marshmallows
- Fudge
- Shortbread
- Ice cream
To post on social media, use the hashtag #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay.
Chocolate FAQ
Q. What does it mean to temper chocolate?
A. Tempering is a process that improves a substance's quality. Chocolate, on the other hand, enhances its resiliency and shine. When dipping or making candy, it's best to use tempered chocolate.
Q. How can I temper chocolate?
A. There are several common tempering chocolate recipes. In 30-second intervals, one of the two options is to slowly heat chocolate in a microwave. You're getting close when the chocolate starts to melt. When the chocolate is soft, it is still holds some of its shape, but it is also holding some of its shape. When you stir the chocolate, it will become smooth and loosen its shape. Seeding chocolate is another method for tempering chocolate. Separate 1/3 of the chocolate and chop it into pea-sized pieces. This is the seed chocolate. In a double boiler, Melt's remaining 2/3 of the chocolate was left 2/3 of the chocolate. The temperature you bring the chocolate to will vary depending on the type of chocolate.
120°F Dark Chocolate – 120°F – 120°F. 115°F Milk Chocolate – 115°F. White Chocolate-110°F White Chocolate-110°F White Chocolate-110°F.
Remove the melted chocolate from the heat and stir in the seed chocolate. Keep stirring until the chocolate hits a temperature of:: Keep stirring until the chocolate reaches a temperature of::
82°F. Dark Chocolate – 82°F. 80°F Milk Chocolate – 80°F – 80°F. 78°F White Chocolate- 78°F White Chocolate-78°F.
Return the chocolate to the double boiler and bring it to the following temperature.
90°F Dark Chocolate – 90°F – 90°F. 86°F Milk Chocolate – 86°F. White Chocolate-82°F White Chocolate-82°F.
To begin dipping, remove from the heat and begin dipping!