National Booch Day
On January 15, National Booch Day (also known as National Kombucha Day) kicks off a delectable way to celebrate with kombucha enthusiasts.
What is booch?
Kombucha, or "booch," is a lightly effervescent fermented drink with a light, refreshing aroma. KeVita Master Brew Kombucha pairs well with any dish and has billions of live probiotics in every bottle, with flavors ranging from sweet to tart.
Who likes booch? Well, if you like tea, you will probably like booch, too. Booch contains a significant amount of B vitamins thanks to the probiotics. You get the same benefits as tea does depending on the type of tea your kombucha is made from.
How to celebrate #nationalboochday
Kombucha followers can celebrate by sharing the love with a friend. Describe all of the reasons why you adore kombucha. Visit a local store if you've never tried Kombucha.
Use #NationalBoochDay on social media to show your love of kombucha.
History of national booch day has spanned decades
On January 15, 2019, KeVita introduced National Booch Day to celebrate kombucha and all the passion surrounding this effervescent bubbly drink. KeVita was founded in 2009 in Ojai, California, by an organic winemaker and holistic nutritionist.
Booch FAQ
Q. Does booch contain caffeine?
A. Yes. Yes. Since the tea leaves used in the fermentation process contain caffeine, the resulting beverage will also contain caffeine. However, it contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee. For example, 8 ounces of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine, while kombucha contains about 1 mg of caffeine per ounce.
Q. What kinds of teas are used in making kombucha?
A. Kombucha is made from a variety of teas, including black, green, white, and oolong.