May 16th is National Barbecue, National Biographer’s, National Check Your Wipers, National Coquilles Saint Jacques, National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor and more!

National Barbecue Day

In the United States, we celebrate National Barbecue Day on May 16 each year on May 16. If you grill at home or buy takeout, you will find Americans around the country enjoying a variety of delectable barbeque (BBQ) flavors and sauces.

National Biographer’s Day

Each 16th of May National Biographer's Day commemorates Samuel Johnson's first meeting with his biographer James Boswell in London, England, on May 16, 1763. Dr. Johnson, a well-known playwright, poet, moralist, essayist, literary critic, editor, and lexicographer.

National Check Your Wipers Day

On May 16, the National Check Your Wipers Day (D.a Nacional de Revisar Tus Limpiaparabrisas), a driver in Latin America, reminds drivers in Latin America to regularly check their windshield wipers to ensure maximum visibility in the event of inclement weather on the road.

National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day

On May 16th, we celebrate National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day. This classic French dish is scallops in a creamy wine sauce, with breadcrumbs and cheese, before it is browned and placed under a broiler. Cooks make this seafood scallop dish with a mix of butter, cream, mushrooms, and their favorite cheese.

National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day

Following the Golden Rule, you will never fail, love your neighbor as yourself, and love your neighbor as yourself. On May 16th, National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day encourages each of us to take a moment during our interactions with others and ask ourselves, how would I like to be handled right now?

National Love A Tree Day

National Love a Tree Day, the joys of life provided by trees, takes place on May 16th each year. Reading in the shade or taking a bite out of a fresh fruit pie are just two examples. Of course, planting trees for future generations to love is also beneficial.

National Mimosa Day

The Mimosa, a yellow flowering plant, gets its name from the Mimosa, a yellow flowering plant. This basic blend of orange juice and champagne or sparkling wine looks likes those flowers in color, but the flavor adds a kick to most any brunch!

National Piercing Day

On May 16th Day, the National Piercing Day celebrates piercing. In times past, pierced ears were about the limits of what we once saw; today, the nose/nostril is the most common piercing technique; Yes body piercing has risen in popularity, but its roots go back to biblical times.

National Sea Monkey Day

Sea-Monkey, the tiny brine shrimp, is better known by its brand name. Many of us commemorate fond childhood memories of National Sea Monkey Day each year as we look back to our aquariums stocked with these magical little creatures that hatched and grew before our eyes on the 16th of May.