May 13th is International Hummus, National Apple Pie, National Crouton, National Frog Jumping, National Fruit Cocktail and more!

International Hummus Day

Every year on May 13th, hummus lovers gather to celebrate International Hummus Day. The day also raised concerns for this delectable dish that has been described as a cross-cultural phenomenon.

National Apple Pie Day

National Apple Pie Day, America's most popular dessert, is celebrated annually on May 13th.

National Crouton Day

National Crouton Day, which takes place on May 13th each year, is recognized as a delectable topping that shouldn't be missed.

National Frog Jumping Day

Both young and old alike enjoy National Frog Jumping Day on May 13th each year.

National Fruit Cocktail Day

National Fruit Cocktail Day on May 13th may be a way to raise the calorie count if you've been enjoying the food holidays regularly. Many of us have childhood memories of a fruit cocktail that was often served with a meal.