June 7th is National Boone, National Chocolate Ice Cream, National Oklahoma, National Vcr, World Caring and more!

National Boone Day

Daniel Boone (November 2, 1734 – September 26, 1820), the day frontiersman of Kentucky's present-day Bluegrass State of Kentucky, began exploring the valleys and forests of the present-day Bluegrass State of Kentucky on June 7, 1769. Boone established Boonesborough, Kentucky, one of the first American settlements west of the Appalachians, according to Boone.

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

All you need is chocolate ice cream to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day on June 7th. Well, who says you have to stop there? You can have it in a cone or make it from scratch. Add sprinkles or syrup or whipped cream to your dish.

National Vcr Day

National VCR Day, on June 7th, examines a device that changed the home movie-watching experience. The observance honors the video cassette recorder (VCR), a device that was once a technological marvel of science, in its time.

World Caring Day

Every year on June 7, World Caring Day shines a spotlight on all the ways we communicate and show each other that we care. We should all take time to honor the millions of acts of kindness we see every day. Both acts of caring, whether large or small, are vital. Caring is ongoing and occurs every day through compassion, care, kindness, and understanding.

World Food Safety Day